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Now You’re Able to Copy Files from FTP to Amazon S3 with MSP360 Explorer

Now You’re Able to Copy Files from FTP to Amazon S3 with MSP360 Explorer

A few weeks ago MSP360 started the first beta of MSP360 Explorer PRO for Amazon S3. In the PRO version of MSP360 Explorer, we are going to offer some advanced functionality on top of the basic functionality offered in our freeware version.

FTP support

FTP support has been by far one of the most sought-after features that Amazon S3 users asked on Amazon forum and when sending feedback to our support.

Imagine the situation where you want to host your media files on Amazon S3. Currently, they reside on your hosting provider’s server. Almost all hosting providers offer you FTP access to your data. Now all you have to do is to copy your files from your hosting provider to Amazon S3. Before you had to use one of the FTP clients to copy your files locally and then use MSP360 Explorer or another S3 client to upload files to S3.

With FTP support in MSP360 Explorer, this task is made even easier. You don’t need a separate FTP client anymore. Just configure a connection to FTP server and copy files to your bucket. From the user perspective, FTP accounts look exactly like S3 buckets.

FTP support

MSP360 Explorer still downloads files to your local computer and then uploads them to Amazon S3. It is just that it makes this process simpler.

Once you set up your FTP account you can start copying the files between FTP servers and S3 buckets. On the screen below you can see FTP connection to the right and S3 connection to the left.

FTP servers and S3 buckets


With FTP support in addition to compression, encryption and chunking MSP360Explorer is becoming an even more compelling product for professional Amazon S3 users.