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AWS Import/Export in MSP360 Backup & Explorer is Now Easier

AWS Import/Export in MSP360 Backup & Explorer is Now Easier

We are glad to inform that now it is easier to use AWS Import/Export Amazon feature with MSP360 Backup and MSP360 Explorer. This post explains the benefits of the changes and provides instructions on how to set up AWS Import/Export.

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What has been changed

Now you do not need to provide your shipping details twice - in the Wizard and before printing the shipping label. The shipping label is generated once automatically.

How to set up AWS Import/Export

Below there is an instruction about how to use the new opportunity on the example of MSP360 Backup.

1. At the Return Address screen of Create Backup Plan Wizard (or Edit Backup Plan Wizard), provide your address for the case the shipment can not be delivered. Click Next.


2. Click Print Packing Slip link.


AWS Import/Export Shipping Instructions open as a PDF file.


3. Print the generated file.

4. Cut out the pre-paid shipping label and attach it to the package.

5. Follow the printed instructions and refer to AWS Import/Export documentation for further guidance.

MSP360 Explorer for Amazon S3
  • File management in Amazon S3 and S3-compatible storage
  • Encryption and compression
  • IAM and security management
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