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MSP360 Backup for macOS & Linux Now Supports Amazon Linux 2

MSP360 Backup for macOS & Linux Now Supports Amazon Linux 2

MSP360 Backup for macOS & Linux now supports Amazon's latest release of their Linux distribution — Amazon Linux 2.


Amazon Linux 2 is a modern version of Linux designed with security, stability, and enterprise environments in mind. It's based on RHEL 6 and prides itself on high-performance and easy integration with popular AWS services.

Amazon provides ongoing security and maintenance updates to all EC2 instances running Amazon Linux 2.  As far as compatibility, most apps developed on CentOS (and similar distributions) run on Amazon Linux 2.

Amazon highlights the following advantages of Amazon Linux 2:

  • Long-term Support. Amazon claims to deliver security updates for at least 5 years for every build.
  • Wide availability. Amazon Linux 2 is available in all AWS regions.
  • On-premises VM deployment. In addition to EC2, Amazon Linux 2 can be locally deployed as a Hyper-V, LVM, VirtualBox, and VMware virtual machine.
  • 4.9 LTS kernel. You get access to the latest 4.9 LTS kernel with support for the latest EC2 features and configured to run efficiently with AWS.

Support for Amazon Linux 2 in MSP360 Backup

MSP360 Backup 2.5 for Linux has consequently been updated and now runs flawlessly on Amazon Linux 2. We imagine that our users will be interested in backing up their EC2 data to a different cloud storage in order to ensure data integrity in the event of some local disaster.

For example, you can backup your EC2 VM's data to an S3 bucket in the same region and avoid paying data transfer fees. Restoring data back to EC2 is also free, as Amazon does not charge for data transfer between its services within the same region.

You could alternatively backup your EC2 data to a cheaper cloud storage like Wasabi if you operate with terabytes of data and don't want to spend a fortune on storage fees. In fact, you can leverage multiple cloud storage services in line with the timeless "3-2-1" backup strategy.


MSP360 Backup for macOS & Linux is intended to be present on all distributions of Linux and Amazon Linux 2 is no exception. If you're already one of the early adopters of Amazon Linux 2, tell us about your experience in the comment section below.

MSP360 Backup
An affordable and secure backup solution that works on all major platforms, including Windows, Linux, Mac, Hyper-V, and VMware.
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