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Annual Customer Survey Results

Annual Customer Survey Results

In the middle of June, we asked our Managed Backup Service clients to take part in an annual Customer Survey. To make it more fun, we decided to raffle 3 iPads. Overall 565 customers took part in the survey and here are the 3 winners.

They are:

  1. Brian Wallace from Effective Consulting LLC
  2. Nikko Pabion from WheelHouse IT
  3. Shane Petersen from Computer Gurus, LLC

Brian Wallace

Nikko Pabion

Shane Petersen

Survey results revealed that:

  • 84.6% of our MSP360 Managed Backup users are managed services providers.
  • 37.7% of our users are long-run players — they have been doing business for 10 to 19 years
  • 19.2% use one storage vendor when performing backups
  • And the most popular storage service is still... on-premise storage (51.9%). AWS ranks second (51.2%), and BackBlaze B2 takes third place (33.2%).

Most of Managed Backup users claimed that they would definitely recommend our products to their colleagues. This is great because MSP360 will give you credits for bringing new customers. Check out the MSP360 Referral Program that we're running!