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MSP360 Managed Backup Service

Introducing MBS Web Console 4.1

Introducing MBS Web Console 4.1

MSP360 Managed Backup Service (MBS) has been updated to version 4.1. The new release includes enhanced remote deploy functionality, support for new cloud regions, and a few other critical features.

Remote Deploy Enhancements

Remote deploy functionality has been enhanced with two new features:

  1. The ability to create Remote Deploy Configurations that include pre-defined backup & restore plans. This feature is particularly useful when you need common backup and / or restore plans applied to a set of clients. When you apply a remote deploy configuration with backup or restore plans to a Company, User, or Computer, the plans will be created and updated automatically.
  2. The ability to create a Remote Deploy Configuration Rule that only applies to new computers. When this new Rule option is selected, the Configuration will only be applied only to new computers that do not yet have MBS installed.

Support for new cloud storage regions

Amazon has recently introduced a new S3 region:

  • China (Ningxia) - this new region is operated by Ningxia Western Cloud Data Technology Co. Ltd. and provides another option for customers located in China.

Google has also launched two new regions:

  • Sydney Australia
  • São Paulo, Brazil

The MBS console has been updated to support these new regions.

Support for SMTP servers

Customers can now leverage their own SMTP servers for email notifications. Previously, customers could only leverage the MSP360 notification service or Amazon Simple Email Service (SES), but this has been enhanced in MBS 4.1 to support custom SMTP servers. Customers who wish to use their own SMTP email server can configure the relevant server information and credentials in the MBS console.