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Announcing MSP Voice – A New Podcast from MSP360

Announcing MSP Voice – A New Podcast from MSP360

Today we’re excited to launch a new resource for our Managed Service Provider community. MSP Voice is a new podcast from MSPs for MSPs. Each week we plan on releasing a new episode where we interview different MSPs about their business and how they got started. We want this to be a community resource to help all MSPs gain insights into the business of being (or becoming) an MSP.

All episodes will be on YouTube (video) as well as popular podcast channels such as iTunesSoundCloud, and Anchor. You can also subscribe to new episodes via RSS Feed.

We want to keep each episode to around 20 minutes or shorter so you have time to listen as you’re commuting or driving between customer sites. Over time we’ll update the interview questions based on feedback from the community and also take suggestions on who we should have appear as a guest.

MSP Voice - Episode 1 with Tom Lawrence

Our first episode features Tom Lawrence from Lawrence Technology Services. If you’ve never checked out Tom’s YouTube Channel I highly recommend it, he shares a wealth of knowledge on the MSP business and on technology in general. Tom also featured our own Doug Hazelman on a recent episode.

If you have ideas for the show or want to be a guest, please let us know in the comments. As we’re just launching, getting feedback from the community will be key because we want to provide the content you want.

Happy Listening!

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