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How to configure S3 Bucket Policy with MSP360 S3 Explorer

How to configure S3 Bucket Policy with MSP360 S3 Explorer

Bucket Policy is a Amazon S3 feature that allows customers to author policies which either grant or deny access to any number of accounts and across a range or set of keys. In this article we will explain you how to use bucket policy in MSP360 Explorer for Amazon S3.

In the initial release of bucket policies, only the bucket owner has the privilege to PUT a policy on their bucket. There can also only be one policy attached to the bucket. Finally, there is a limit of 20K for the size of an individual policy.

СloudBerry Explorer supports creating S3 Bucket Policies. Select the bucket and choose Bucket Policy in the context menu.

This will open up the windows where you can enter a policy. Please refer to Amazon S3 documentation for the policy syntax. Check out this section for sample policies to get started quickly.

As always, we would be happy to hear your feedback and you are welcome to post a comment. In particular, we would like to know if you want a visual policy designer that will hide the complexity of the script while allowing you to create policies using drag and drop toolbox.