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MSP Voice Episode 14: with Ben Petersen from Resolve IT

MSP Voice Episode 14: with Ben Petersen from Resolve IT

Ben Peterson from Resolve IT decided 8 years ago to move back to his hometown and start his own MSP Business. During this episode, we cover topics such as building trust with break-fix customers to move them to monthly recurring revenue (MRR),

  • building trust with break-fix customers to move them to monthly recurring revenue (MRR)
  • updating his brand identity
  • the power of search engine optimization for advertising (SEO)
  • “pretty good” vs “Exceptional” in getting referrals
  • And getting started by creating some rules (and sometimes breaking them)

All episodes can be found on YouTube (video) as well as popular podcast channels such as iTunesSoundCloud, and Anchor. You can also subscribe to new episodes via RSS Feed.

You can find all MSP Voice episodes on the page of our MSP podcast.

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Best of Reddit

Here are the topics we've discussed during the Best of Reddit:

Brief: What are the standards for the opt-out clause that MSPs typically have? 30 days notice or longer?

Brief: Inevitable, you will face the client’s infrastructure and will need to assess the gravity of the situation. But when should you do that?

Brief: At some point, you might face a client with strict requirements about SLAs. What should you price those? Can you formally call autoresponder in under 20 minutes a response?

Brief: IRS issues proposed regulations on new 20 percent deduction for pass-through businesses. Some attorneys say that MSPs also qualify for it.

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